Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well, she came off the rails......

So, first thing Monday morning my niece was suspended from school. Yep, all of my talking and trying to help her get around her ownself did nothing.

Her dad has grounded her, indefinitely, taken away her phone and her computer...which I agree with, however, he's grounded her from seeing me, as well. I fully agree with the consequences, accept the part where I can't see her or talk to her. S.O.B. doesn't get it and never will.

I know it was wrong of me, but while her dad was at work today, I discovered her on myspace and we began an IM conversation....I should have told her to get off the computer and do her chores and homework....but, I wanted her to know I love her and although she screwed up, she can redeem herself. She owned her mistake, said she knows it was her fault and that she was willing to suffer the consequences....she complained about the consequences, but acknowledged she deserved the punishment.

She also admitted that she was scared and said she thinks things with her dad are at the worst they've ever been....she's just dying for his attention....and instead of talking with his daughter, making an effort to find out what the hell is going on, he sent her to her room and apparently, isn't speaking to her.

He is also 'pissed' at my sister for not telling him what has been going on....as if he couldn't have found out what is going on the same way she and I have been finding out....by watching and listening. Fricken tool......


Thanks to each of you who stopped by with advice for me....I'm going to try to step back and just be here for her, no more hammering on how to conduct herself, just help her to find more productive ways to channel her energy....we've signed up at the horse barn to volunteer with the disabled kids, she's really looking forward to that and I think it will be good for her to give back in some way, might give her a different perspective.

She's breakin' my heart.....

♥♥♥ (she taught me how to make these hearts)


Pat said...

Sorry to hear that this happened. You've reached out to your niece. She knows you are there for her. She sounds like she realizes her mistake. Hopefully there will be better days ahead. Good luck to her.

Brian Miller said...

better that she learn the lesson now and understand that there are consequences in life...she will make it through this...

Mike said...

It is a great character trait that you have that allows you to care so much for your niece's well being. I hope that you can make a difference in her life without causing too much turmoil in your own.