So, I've been busy. Livng. Well, packing, too. I actually went out Saturday night, something I rarely do, with friends for a birthday celebration. A great time was had by all, especially the birthday girl. We saw an amazing Celtic band, Tempest, and I did my best to 'dance me boots off'! I have skills as a silversmith, so, I spent most of Saturday fabricating my friend's birthday gift, so, I didn't get much packing done, therefore, I spent ALL DAY Sunday packing....literally, from 7:30 a.m to 8:00 p.m., I was exhausted when it was time to get up for work today. I think the older I get, the shorter the days get. I can't even believe it's already March 2009. It feels like it was only yesterday when I moved in here. I had so many plans for how I was going to change my life and despite the fact that I have almost completely reverted back to where I was before I moved in here, I know that I am a different person today, much different. I also feel stronger than I ever have, more at peace with who I am, or rather who I am allowing myself to become......ME. I've been reading a new book and a piece of advice from the book is to write everyday, even if it's just a little bit, just do it everyday. I'm behind a few days, however, living gives us things to write about, right? And, so, I write. I had an opportunity today to go by my new home and see it empty, which helped me get a perspective of how my belongings are going to fit in the place, I took photos. My friend, Ricky is getting the place all cleaned up and fixing some things that needed taking care of. I believe it will make a good home for me. At least for right now, while I am excavating my soul for guidance regarding my future. I am anxious to get settled at the new place, I need to feel rooted for awhile. As much as I love my Grandmother's house and hate to leave it, truly for the almost two years I've lived here I've known it was always temporary. Now, I can be indefinitely rooted, or rather, I do not have a 'due date' for the time being. This is somewhat liberating and I am looking forward to that simple freedom. With that stability, I can actually focus on writing, make it part of my day, everyday, not just on the days when I'm not packing. I've included one of the photos I took of the new place, should have taken a pic of the outside, but, it slipped my mind, I was more interested in where all of my furniture was going to go. Silly me.
Friday Food: Canned Aberrations
21 hours ago
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