Thursday, November 12, 2009

The greatest of these is Love......

I love that my little dog snuggles up to me at the end of the day, spent and content to snore his way through my favorite show.....

I love when I find myself 'framing' pictures in my head as I'm driving around town noticing the amazing color show that Mother Nature puts on this time of year....

I love'll probably get sick of my love of Christmas....I hope you don't.....

I love to try new recipes, even when they don't turn out like I expect them to, because I've adopted the attitude that all adventures in life are merely experiments and half the fun is waiting to see how things turn out.....

I love KNOWING that someday I'm going to be ways I cannot even imagine today.....

I love puttering around the house, getting ready for guests who are coming to dinner on Saturday....

I love the sounds the house makes after the t.v. is turned off....and it's time for bed......

I love the inspiration I find in the blogosphere....the amazing things that my bloggy friends are doing out in the world, things that they dreamed up and started from their blogs.....



Mike said...

That was just such a peaceful read!
I also love that time at night when the house is almost completely quiet!

Brian Miller said...

thats for the smiles this morning...almost as good as that first cup of coffee. i love little boys sneaking into bed to snuggle before school....and look here comes one now.

Pat said...

I loved reading this post. :) said...

I love that you're sharing these loves of yours. Makes me think about the things I love.

christina said...

oh yes~ the sound the house makes when all is quiet. a beautiful signal that bedtime has arrived.
such a gorgeous list.