Oh, lady inspiration, where art thou? Today, I am still lost without you. I beseech you, you've been gone too long, please, oh, please return.
I search through images, hoping to spot you amoung the leaves, clouds and sunsets...not even the flowers draw you out....not even the fabulously red ones....those with the flame of desire.
I am but a sad, lost, bewildered soul, hoping for a breath of your scent. Perhaps a wish to the stars will twinkle a message from you to me....or Mr. Moon will draw you down to my heart.
Should I play coy and hide from YOU? Will that pull you back to me? Such games to be played all for the sake of some words.....ah, but, the words they are addictive...painfully so. I am partial to great expanses of them, I suppose I could be satisfied with just a few for now and later, days, maybe, I'll come back and you will have returned....and will be waiting here for me, arms out stretched, beseeching ME to return to you.....
Oh, I do beg you to return, however, I will wait for as long as I have to......
you do realise you could keep us entertained with these wonderful posts about seeking inspiration...smiles. may she grace your doorstep today...
I have noticed a pattern in your blogging for the past month or so that has really been bordering on sounding very sad. I hope that you are not really in a bad place and are just being creative in your writing. If you want to, send me an email and let me know if everything is ok with you!
Brian, thank you for your encouragement.....YOU are an inspiration!
Otin, I sent you an email....thank you for your concern.....
I love reading about your longing...I'm with Otin and hope that it doesn't seep into all aspect of your life.
much love to you!
when she finds you will you please ask her to stop by my place? She actually dropped in for a brief visit last week when I was writing my NaNoWriMo but has since abandoned me, and I'm not even done yet! Grrrr. She's such a biotch!
Hugs to you!
Have you tried the writing prompts to get your mojo working? Sometimes that helps. I've seen websites that have writing prompts.
If you are in a funk and that is causing it, what exactly is causing your funk? Is it the changing of the seasons, getting darker sooner? Could you have SAD?
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