As you can see, I'm bringing my big wheel....this is a necessary item, rest assured.
One of my all time favorite stand up comedians is George Carlin - who doesn't know the Seven Dirty words you can't say on T.V.? I won't regale y'all with them here....anyway, my favorite of his routines was the one about stuff. I remember the first time I heard him do it, I was in high school and you know, when you're in high school, you don't really pay attention to how much of a pain in the ass you are, so, for me to actually GET what George was saying about how we all have to have our STUFF, was profound. Too bad my poor parents don't know that I had this revelation back then...I, back to my stuff.
I've been pondering how much of my stuff to bring....four days is a long time to be away from home....well, not really, but, for me it is.....I mean, I've been away from home for longer trips, but, seriously, I miss my dog after about two. Not to mention my own bed, pillows, towels, shower, toilet, kitchen, REFRIGERATOR...
you know, your comfort items. I have no doubt accomodations will be lovely and certainly comfortable, but, you know what I mean, right? I really am a homebody....I like my home....I like my stuff and I like being home...but, there is something to be said for leaving home, even if for a short trip, to make you happy to come home, right?
Which brings me to what 'stuff' should I bring? Axe repellant for sure, although Sara at Turning Stones assures me I won't need any axe repellent, I am still a little leary as at the Original Blog Camp there was an incident with an axe, in fact I think there were pictures, so, not taking anybody's word for it that there will be no axes, sorry, Sara. Okay, then, after the axe repellent I figured the next most important items, laptop and camera...although I don't have a Nikon (I am coveting several at the moment and intend to have one at any cost, sooner, rather than later)I do have two cameras that do a spendid job and will be bringing...they are part of my 'stuff'. Clothes, yes, those are important, I understand PJ's will be required attire, in fact, probably spend more time in those than anything else...and slippers....I love slippers, so, definitely slippers. Street clothes....usual stuff, levi's, t-shirts, including my Blog Camp t-shirt and my Birks....I'm contemplating a purchase of some Chuck's, so, maybe some Chuck's, too. And after that, I think I'll just use George's list of 'stuff' to bring:
Quote of the day
23 hours ago
I love George he was great..
Great Picture of the big wheel being carried by a big wheel..that brought a lot of laughs down the road don't cha know!
Oh by the way have a lot of fun at camp :-)
sounds like you are in for some fun. chucks are a must! and of course the big wheel. hsve fun. smiles.
Your comment at Otin's was touching. I am sorry....
Blog camp? I loved Carlin, he was so insightful! I also found your comment touching, I almost feel bad for writing the story!
Hit 40, Otin,
Thanks for stopping by, I swear I didn't mean to be a downer....Otin, your writing is incredible and seriously, the story just hit me in that way....don't feel bad for great writing.
Not a downer at all, just honest and open!!!!!
And that's all I need. I don't need one other thing except.......
Wait, I'm confused! What is blog camp? I have never heard of such a thing! It sounds intriguing... I expect lots of pictures! You must tell me everything!
Hee, I love the skit! Soooo true. I had such a hard time packing for JLem! I wanted to bring everythinnnnng. (I only brought ONE necklace! One!)(Well, plus the one I never take off. But that doesn't count!) All your beautiful jewelry is at home in my box so I wouldn't lose it... but I miss it so!
i'm really glad you made this list, because i'm packing right now for BC 1.5. i fly to london for it tomorrow and i can tell you the suitcase is currently quite empty. must remember my BC t-shirt...
so glad you're going to Reno! did you check my blog today. i gave you award(s)! :-)
Hooray for BC Reno!! I'm so excited. I hadn't thought about axe repellent. I don't have a t-shirt. Dang it! I don't have chucks either. BUT heading to the mall saturday. Hopefully they will have one or more items I need for BC. I don't have a nikon either (grrr) but planning on bring hubby's cannon (better than my cybershot...)
Can't wait to meet you!!!
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