We had a small storm on Sunday night and as late in the season as we are, I figured I better clean out as much ripe fruit as possible.....all of the pepper plants were completely loaded with gifts....ready for salsa, pepper jelly and the like. The tomatoes, while still slow to ripen, did yeild quite a few jewels I garnered. There were serranos, jalapenos, wax bananas, habaneros, sweet bells and blue boy bells. A diverse variety of tomatoes, I am unable to name, as the little plant sticks are missing on most of them....significant in my bounty, though, were my very favorite, the cherry 100's....mmmmmmmmm....Texas was sneaking them out of the basket as fast as I could collect them.
It's true, every year I consider my garden an experiment. Some things are staples, zucchini, tomatoes, lemon cucumbers and peppers, this year's experiments.....pumpkins, watermelon and herbs; basil, sage, rosemary and texas tarragon and some beans, which I sort of didn't pay attention to and cannot decide whether or not they turned out okay...there were some beans, however, I forgot to pick them and now, they are just these brown pods on the plants, (next year will be the year for beans). I love the adventure the garden creates because I always approach it as an experiment, I'm not too disappointed if something doesn't work out...fortunately, I am always pleasantly surprised by my bounty!
Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Stars......
Very true! Life is the same too, yeah? No real mistakes... only experiments!
My "garden" is the putting green. This is where I go to disappear, mentally!
we all need that placeto dwell...and allowing ourselves mistakes as well, though that can be abit tougher at times. looks like you have some pretty amazing produce though, enjoy!
your experiment is glorious! ; ) that special place is needed, you have done a wonderful job.
Goodnight garden~
Love ya, to bits.
Wow! Look at that haul! What are cherry 100's?
Dayne, thanks for stopping by....
Brian, I do love my garden and the grace I find myself in when I'm there...
Christina, ditto on the love!
Pat, Cherry 100's are THE best and sweetest cherry tomatoe EVER....and the plant just keeps putting out little jewels...one year I had little tomatoes until November!
Oh, but it's so much fun when we experiment, of course!
what a lovely garden! I love the fruits of other peoples labor, but just don't have the gardening bug. Darn it. I want to want to do it, but I just don't. I'll just have to rely on you! May I??
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